

Borage family

From Streeter et al., 2016, 'Family Key':

"Flowers regular; petals and sepals joined.

Mostly roughly hairy or bristly herbs; leaves usually simple, alternate, without stipules; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens 5; ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed (the flowers of Echium are slightly irregular)."

For the specimen(s) below, hover over image in gallery for description and select for a full screen preview.

ID: 029

Date: 10 Jun 2024

Locality: Page Hill, Buckingham

Location (Lat/Long): 52.003, -0.973

Landscape/habitat: Between a footpath and a fence, in an alleyway.

Identification notes: I recognised this flower as a Forget-me-not Myostis, however it was harder to determine the species.

From Streeter et al. (2016, p.375) there is a key to Myostis:

  • 'Hairs on calyx tube short, stiff, spreading, hooked' (they looked hooked to me, shown in image in gallery below)

  • 'style shorter than calyx tube'

  • 'Lower surface of leaves without hooked hairs'

  • I could not determine the size of the flower stalk at fruiting but the last choice of the key was between Wood Forget-me-not M. sylvatica or Field Forget-me-not M. arvensis. In terms of habitat, M. arvensis is found on 'Roadsides...disturbed ground' which seems similar. Also, the size of corolla is quite small pointing towards M. arvensis with a corolla '<=5 mm across' and I think the lobes look concave

Field Forget-me-not, small corolla
Field Forget-me-not, small corolla
Name: Field Forget-me-not, Myosotis arvensis


Streeter, D., Hart-Davies, C., Hardcastle, A., Cole, F. and Harper, L. (2016) Collins wild flower guide. Revised and updated 2nd edition. edn. London: William Collins.