


Labiates: deaed-nettles, mints, thymes

From Streeter et al., 2016, 'Family Key':

"Stems 4-angled; leaves opposite; calyx with 5 teeth; corolla 5-lobed often appearing 2-lipped; stamens 4; ovary deeply 4-lobed; plants often aromatic"

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ID: 021

Date: 08 May 2024

Locality: Swoford Lane, near Wheatley

Location (Lat/Long): 51.73598, -1.10652

Landscape/habitat: Roadside verge, by hedgerow.

Identification notes: Looks 'nettle like'. Square stem.

From Streeter et al. (2016, p.386) description of characters, with my observations:

"Corolla 20mm, corolla-tube curved" this gives option of either L. album or L. maculatum.

"Petals white; leaves without white blotches", which these clearly are. So L. album.

White dead-nettle
White dead-nettle
Name: White Dead-nettle, Lamium album


Streeter, D., Hart-Davies, C., Hardcastle, A., Cole, F. and Harper, L. (2016) Collins wild flower guide. Revised and updated 2nd edition. edn. London: William Collins.