From Streeter et al., 2016, 'Family Key':
"Perianth absent; flowers hermaphrodite, enclosed between 2 bracts. Stems cylindrical or oval in section; hollow (except at nodes); leaves alternate, consisting of basal sheath enclosing stem and free blade"
Poaceae are monocotyledons.
For the specimen(s) below, hover over image in gallery for description and select for a full screen preview.
ID: 020
Date: 30 Apr 2024
Locality: Page Hill, Buckingham
Location (Lat/Long): 52.00235, -0.97256
Landscape/habitat: Behind houses on grassy area between houses and road. Underneath some tree cover (shaded), near compacted ground (footpath/desire-line).
Identification notes: Le.
From Streeter et al. (2016, p.612) description of characters, with my observations:
Habitat: Disturbed ground, bare or trampled patches in grasslands, paths...(this fits the description of the location).
1-2 branches at each node (yes, as per images)
Flowers year round (so expected to see some)
From Price (2021, p.49):
Small branched panicle pointing to one side (can see that the panicle doesn't point all the way around the stem, only 180 degrees)
Name: Annual Meadow Grass, Poa annua
ID: 014
Date: 17 Apr 2024
Locality: Pilch Field, Buckinghamshire
Location (Lat/Long): 51.98266, -0.91183
Landscape/habitat: Wet meadow, SSSI and managed by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT, no date). Shows ancient 'ridge and furrow' plough marks.
Identification notes: Noticed a tuft of this grass at the edge of a ridge.
From Streeter et al. (2016, p.624) description of characters, with my observations:
Sheaths with conspicuous ring of hairs at junction of blade (yes - this was the first diagnostic)
Inflorescence: Dense, spike-like panicle (as shown in images)
Habitat of meadows, pastures
Flowers Apr - Jul (so expected at this time)
The other key diagnostic is the smell (of 'newly mown grass/hay')
Name: Sweet-vernal grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum
Streeter, D., Hart-Davies, C., Hardcastle, A., Cole, F. and Harper, L. (2016) Collins wild flower guide. Revised and updated 2nd edition. edn. London: William Collins.
BBOWT (no date) Pilch Field. Available at: https://www.bbowt.org.uk/nature-reserves/pilch-field (Accessed: 13 May 2024).
Price, D. (2021) A field guide to grasses, sedges and rushes. The Species Recovery Trust.