Winter twigs:

More twigs!

This page shows the other specimens that were identified but then discounted as not part of the 'theme' of confusable species. Select images in gallery rows to view full-size.

ID: 001

To ID from the key:

1 Opposite

2 Buds point away

14 Buds red

28 Scales absent

32 Not black

33 Not bulbous

34 Buds reddish-brown, prominent lenticels on twig


Name: Elder, Sambucus nigra

ID: 004

To ID from the key:

1 Opposite

2 Buds flat against stem

3 2 or more bud scales present

4 Not as shown, not a Spindle

5 Initially not sure if there was a ridge. I couldn’t ‘feel’ an obvious one so went to:

8 Lenticels present, which would suggest Wild Privet but this did not seem right! From ‘Winter Trees’ suggests this is a shrub not a large tree and indicates buds are brown-green, not green.

So, re-keying:

1 Opposite

2 Buds flat against stem

3 2 or more bud scales present

4 Not as shown, not a Spindle

5 Ridge present

6 Buds green, with brown margin


Also: leaf litter on the ground had Sycamore shaped leaves.

Name: Sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus

ID: 005

To ID from the key:

1 Alternate

35 No spines

38 Pointing away

66 Some buds look elongated, others more oval shaped – so go with elongated:

115 Buds with 1-5 scales

117 Buds rounded

119 Bud scales reddish


From ‘Winter trees’ the buds are ‘boxing glove’ shaped (which some are) BUT for step 66, I'm unsure, if I re-key:

66 Buds oval shaped

67 Buds scales more than 4

68 All buds unstalked

80 Single terminal bud

84 Buds 4mm or longer

85 Buds red

86 Twigs rounded

87 No hairs on buds

88 Young twigs brown

92 Lateral buds not in clusters

93 Buds red, slightly flattened. Young twigs brown and hairy


From ‘Winter trees’, states it is ‘suckering, producing many stems’ (which it appears to be). Twigs ‘slightly zigzagged’, ‘pale brown, softly furry when young’. Bark has ‘very visible horizontal lenticels’. All of which suggests this is a Hazel tree.

Name: Hazel, Corylus avellana

ID: 007

To ID from the key:

1 Buds opposite

2 Buds pointing away from stem

14 Buds black

28 Bud scales absent

32 Buds black, small and compact


This one I knew from sight, the only tree with buds like this.

Name: Ash, Fraxinus excelsior