Winter twigs:

More details

More details on the specimens, including steps followed in the key.

ID: 009

To ID from the key:

1 Buds alternate

35 Spines absent

38 Buds pointing away from stem

66 Buds elongated, at least 2.5 times as long as wide and pointed

115 Buds with many scales, copper coloured and pointed

116 Buds more than 15mm long


Beech tree
Beech tree
Name: Beech, Fagus sylvatica


Comparing against the description by Price and Bersweden (2013): lenticels present, often zigzagging twig. Buds spreading from twig, tapering to a relatively sharp point. Scales are large and copper-coloured eventually developing a whitish tip. Smooth twig.

Does not look like a hornbeam, as the buds look pointier and are pointing away from the stem. It also looks more like the illustration/photo of a beech than of a hornbeam. Leaves on the ground looked like beech leaves.